Creative Spark Members

Creative Spark corresponds to best practice principle that clustering creative and innovative businesses in a central multi-tenant enterprise hub can be a dynamic business stimulation strategy bringing wealth creation, job creation and knowledge advancement to an area.

FabLab F.L.A.G

The Enterprise FabLab @ Creative Spark has the aim to stimulate enterprise, creativity, innovation and education in the North-East region through a Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab).

Print Studio Members

The Creative Spark Print Studio has been home to many artists spanning across the North-East region and beyond! If you want to find out more information on our current members, and to check out some of their work, click the button below!

Artist in Residence

Creative Spark, centre for creativity and innovation, launched in October 2012 with the goal of providing dedicated creative training and workspace facilities for new and established enterprises in County Louth – a place to work and a place to learn.


Contact us today to express your interest!