
This training provides an overview of the customs landscape for your supply chain and introduces key areas of customs requirements and obligations, relating to your business.
• Customs requirements, including meeting the Trade and Cooperation Agreement requirements
• Customs documentation requirements
• Commercial Invoice requirements for customs and valuation
• Single Administrative Document (SAD), and its role in supply chain movements
• Health and other certificate requirements for SPS and other obligations
• Certs of origin
• Incoterms
• Physical product flows
• Duties and Point of Import VAT
• Port readiness, including customs requirements and Border Control Posts
• Introduction to Customs procedures


Attendees will obtain the following learning outcomes;

• Become familiar with the roles of custom’s authorities

• Recognise the various stakeholders

• Understand some of the key elements of Custom’s and duties frameworks

• Identify the components of custom’s valuation • Understand the basics of product classification

• Develop awareness of the impact of product origins and preference protocols

• Gain an awareness of customs special procedures and reliefs

• Recognise the requirements and purpose of custom’s documentation

• Be introduced to EU and US export controls, review and discuss Brexit changes

• Have an introduction to the role of AEO and custom’s preferential guarantees


This course will take place completely online. Your will receive your login details in he day or two before the course starts.

There will be  breaks built into the day.

This course will be delivered by Performance Supply Chain Ltd


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