
Artist talk – Kate O’Shea

Kate O’ Shea works across printmaking, archiving, large-scale installation, performance, and publishing. Kate is co-founder of the transdisciplinary collective, Broken Fields, bringing together experience, knowledge, and practice from the fields of socially engaged art, architecture, community work, social movement archiving, activism, research, and writing. Kate co-creates the newspaper Gravity Express with Dr. Ciaran Smyth (Vagabond Reviews). Kate is co-founder with Victoria Brunetta of independent publishing house Durty Books. She is co-founder of The People’s Kitchen and is a member of Red Wheelbarrow Productions. She also goes on many print adventures with Print Van Go.

Studio highlight –Kells centre of typography excellence

Mark Smith, who is in the process of setting up the Centre of Typography Excellence. His is also the creative force behind the Kells Type Trail, an annual event that celebrates typography in both urban and natural landscapes. The initiative not only highlights the artistic beauty of type but also fosters community engagement, making typography a dynamic and interactive experience.

Demo/Talk –Julie Corcoran

Multi Tone Cyanotype In this demo Julie will show the process of creating multi-toned cyanotypes; from creating digital negatives to exposing, bleaching and toning in layers to create the final, multi-tone effect

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