AnneJune Callaghan

Updated: 05 Aug 2022

Anne-June Callaghan is an Illustrator from Fermanagh. She graduated from the University of the West of England, Bristol with a Hons Degree in Illustration.  During her Illustration Degree Anne-June veered into the world of puppetry and shadow theatre and started to deliver workshops for young people in this medium.

She brought this experience to two theatre companys one of them being the ‘Gonzo Theatre’ Cavan, taking their show ‘The Birthday Man’ to the Dublin Fringe Festival in 2012 where Anne created, designed & co-directed a 52scene projected set.

Anne-June has over 12 years facilitation experience in theatre, music and community arts delivering a range of workshops from drama to willow weaving. She has a good understanding of film editing and can work in this medium to complete her work as an moving image.

Her Current projects include working alongside Mad Youths Kwasie Boyce and Nix Moons Johnathan Fahy to deliver Drama, Shadow and Music Scoring Workshops to young people in Dundalk. Anne-June is also working alongside Fiona Keenan O’ Brien of Quintessence Theatre in a physical theatre and peer-led musical scoring of ‘Clann Lir’ in the Garage Theatre in Monaghan which will open in October.