Clara McSweeney

Updated: 15 Sep 2023

Clara McSweeney is a Fine Art Painting and Contemporary Practice graduate of the Limerick School of Art and Design. She received the Innovation in Practice award 2020 for her degree show body of work. She is currently working with Ireland at Venice as a mediator in the Irish Pavillion after completing her postgraduate degree in Cultural Event Management from IADT Dun Laoghaire.

She is also practising as a visual artist and is an active member of Limerick Print Makers and The Darkroom Dublin. Her present artistic achievements/experience to date included being awarded, runner- up in The Screaming Pope Prize 2021 at K-Fest emerging arts festival, completing a two-month residency in PADA studios and gallery in Barreiro Portugal, completing a four-month graduate residency at The Darkroom Dublin and showcasing ‘Women from the Inside’ a collaborative photography project in The Belltable Limerick.

Clara McSweeney Gallery