Eimhin Farrell

Updated: 05 Aug 2022

Eimhin is a printmaker/painter from Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan. He graduated from NCAD with a degree in Fine Art and Visual Culture in 2018, specializing in printmaking, and won the John Kelly Award from Black Church Print Studios, Dublin, as a result of his end of year show. In printmaking, he works mainly with etching in a traditional style, taking influence from old-style engravings and etchings of buildings and architectural features in general.

Although his etchings try to mirror traditional etching styles placing heavy emphasis on line, form and perspective (“is it small or is it far away” etc.) he attempts to place the his etchings in a contemporary context through both subject – showing the state of buildings now rather than in the past – and in aesthetic presentation – experimenting with colours, multi-plate prints, etc.