Michael Stafford

Updated: 05 Aug 2021

Michael is an artist based here in Dundalk. Michael holds a NCVA from Sallynoggin, National Diploma of Fine Art from Dun Laoghaire and B.A. Fine Art from Sligo IT. His main discipline is in painting but he also has experience in print, sculptures, ceramics, film, photography, artist’s book making, graphic design, music and sound engineering.  Michael also has ten years of teaching/ facilitating art classes/ workshops experience with various ages.  He is heavily integrated into the community with workshops and projects such as VEC Dundalk (night classes, youth and adult workshops), Tallaght Youth Service (summer schools), Border Arts Centre DKIT (Workshops in Mosney and Muirhevnamor) and An Tain Arts Centre (women’s group and youth workshops toberona).