Stephen Hurley By Stephen Hurley

| 11 July 2024

Artist in Residence: Hattie Bidwell

Creative Spark Welcomes 2024's Fifth Artist in Residence: Hattie Bidwell


Hattie Bidwell is a Sydney (Eora) based visual artist, and recent graduate from The University of New South Wales, where she majored in screen printing and videography.

Thematically, Hattie is interested in the important role that storytelling and day to day interactions have in helping people cope. Through large installations of sprawling conversations, vivid colours, intricate patterns and caricatured faces, Hattie’s work reflects the dynamic tapestry of daily life within her communities.

In her time at Creative Spark, she intends to deepen her research into the cultural and social importance of storytelling, within her new context of Dundalk.

She will create a collection of prints inspired by the people, places and interactions from her time here, with the aim of recognising and showcasing the subtle yet powerful ways that people support each other within different communities, acknowledging those often overlooked daily functional exchanges like sharing meals, offering practical help and sharing stories over cups of tea. These moments of connection will be the foundation of Hattie’s artistic exploration.


Instagram: @hattsie.b

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